To onboard investors and display the registered startups. Add startups to their wish list. Ability to ask a startup for access or to update metrics. A detailed individual dashboard for a startup’s profile feature to add and share notes among Venture Capitalists (VC’s) under their respective organizations
We helped them by building their web-based solution to facilitate onboarding startups that want to highlight their metrics and reports and publish them to investors. Connecting metrics from various data sources to give startups a range of flexibility over their metrics. Updating the connected metrics at frequent intervals to keep their profiles on our portal p-to-date. Collecting crucial information on their recurring revenues and profit over time. Recording the startup’s goal to raise funds and the period within which it should be achieved. Preparing a ashboard to show all the collected metrics and startup information. Providing features for founders to share notes. Sharing the startup’s profile to VC’s registered on our site under their respective organizations. On the dashboard allowing to share with VC’s and revoking share access to VC’s was done. Sharing profile links via email to an investor. Investors can see registered startups on their portal. On detailed view, they can monitor each startup’s information and metrics and their fundraising goal if they have view access to that startup. They can ask any startup to give them view access or to update startup metrics to which the startups can respond. Investors can add startups to their watchlist and share notes among their organizations
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